Serendipity Farms

Today Serendipity Farms raises more than 50 varieties of award-winning organic vegetables, herbs and flowers on 20 acres in Carmel Valley and Aromas. The different microclimates allow the farm to grow a huge variety of produce, from the fog zone-loving row crops, raspberries and strawberries grown on the historic Odello Ranch at the mouth of Carmel Valley to the inland heat lovers like tomatoes and basil that ripen on the mid-Valley parcel. On the homestead in Aromas are the Meyer lemon, avocado, figs and guava trees, plus the blackberries, tayberries and greenhouse-started herbs. In early 2014 the farm leased one acre of blueberries in Corralitos that will be certified organic in 2015. Growing interesting heirloom varieties of vegetables for flavor and color pigmentation (linked to higher vitamin content) is a top priority at Serendipity. You can see and taste the difference with varietals like Purple Haze garlic, Black from Tula tomatoes, Bacon avocados and Little Gem lettuces. As from the start, Serendipity remains a strictly organic concern and carries full certification by California Certified Organic Farmers. Crop rotation keeps soil healthy and productive, with only fish-based fertilizer and slow-released bat guano added to boost nutrients (plus goat, chicken and horse manure for the perennial tree crops). Serendipity Farms has never used pest control, not even organic approved pesticides, instead relying on beneficial insects to keep pests in check.