Things to Do This Weekend in Monterey
If you're in town and looking for something fun to do, check out events this weekend in the Monterey area! Find Monterey County's annual events calendar here.

Karaoke Night

The Power of Small Film Screening

Holman Ranch Wine Dinner at The Pocket

Member & Student Brown Bag Lunch: Who Ate My Fries? The Gulls of Monterey

Presentation: "How the Hathaway Collection of Historic Photos Came to the Monterey County Historical Society"

Just Jazz Sunday Brunch at Shearwater Tavern

Casey Frazier, In Concert!

Rjae Haas Band

Spring Market

Hike and Wine with CRŪ Winery, Valley Farm Management and the Blue Zones Project

Afternoon with the Curator: Open Archive with Cydney Payton and Eleanor Uhlinger