Asilomar State Beach

Located on the Monterey Peninsula in the city of Pacific Grove, Asilomar State Beach and Conference Grounds State Park provides visitors numerous opportunities for a variety of scenic walks along the State beach, Coast Trail, and through the Asilomar Dunes Natural Preserve, as well as the opportunity to stay on-site with a variety of overnight room lodging, dining and conference meeting room facilities available (click on "Reservations" button at top of page). Asilomar had its start In 1913 as a young women's' summer camp and conference facility - an outgrowth of the inspired vision of the resourceful, socially-concerned and committed women of the YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association). The historic buildings which are still an integral part of the Asilomar grounds, were designed and built by renowned California architect Julia Morgan between 1913 and 1928.