Bay Art With Heart

BayArt With Heart is a working artist studio, classroom and mixed media gallery. Diane Grindol is an award-winning artist, highly regarded teacher and inspirational mentor. Nancy Donaldson, a retired nurse scientist/clinical professor emerita, is a seasoned teacher, an increasingly accomplished mixed media artist, and strategic program developer. BayArt With Heart creates a vibrant space to engage guest artists and the community-at-large in sharing and celebrating diverse creative visual arts that express the passions and perspectives of the artist. Nancy and Diane are active members of Central Coast Art Association, Monterey Peninsula Art Foundation and Sea Scribes. BayArt With Heart, in the heart of Pacific Grove, actively participates in First Friday Open Studio events each month and Diane participates in the annual Monterey Art Studio Tour.  Funding to support the studio’s direct costs is made possible by a bequest from Nancy Moore Erath.