PG Meeting House

Pacific Grove’s Living Room PG’s Juice ‘n Java was founded by Frank Morris in 1993. He created a spot he thought of as Pacific Grove’s Living Room – a large, inviting space (a former bank!) in one of the oldest buildings in town. He succeeded for 30 years by filling our space with great coffee, tea, chai, and baked goods – and providing comfy sofas and tables for regulars and visitors alike. JnJ has been an institution, a hub for local folks to study, hold group meetings and event parties, play music and generally enjoy each other with a distinct PG Vibe! I took over in 2023 – I’m Scott Soifer and I live in Pacific Grove. A regular since it opened, I started performing at our Friday Open Mics. An offhand conversation with Frank led him to suggest I buy the place – and here I am!! I have no shop experience (!) so am relying on Love, Karma and Hustle as I find my way. What a journey so far! Our motto for The PG Meetinghouse is “For PG, By PG” – we are committed to our current customers, community and vibe. We want to build on who we are by being open more evenings for live music, trivia and other game mights, and make our space available for private events. We want to embrace PG’s Chautauqua Spirit and all the things that make our town so special. We are committed to quality and will continue to get our foods and beverages from the best local sources we can!